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Pictures were taken when users had dinner there at that time so the information it contains may not be the latest. Please confirm before you use this information.

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Official photos

  • Osteria dell'UVA - お野菜がたっぷり食べられる【バーニャカウダ】事前ご予約にてご注文をお受けしております。

    お野菜がたっぷり食べられる【バーニャカウダ...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 入り口まではスロープになっております。

    入り口まではスロープになっております。(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - カウンターもソーシャルディスタンスを保つため、席を減らしました。透明のアクリル板も設置しております。

    カウンターもソーシャルディスタンスを保つた...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 前菜の盛合せ【ランチの前菜】ディナータイムの1人前   ※仕入れ、仕込み状況によって毎回異なります

    前菜の盛合せ【ランチの前菜】ディナータイム...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 入り口にも消毒液を設置しておりますので、手指消毒後にご来店頂ければ幸いです。

    入り口にも消毒液を設置しておりますので、手...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - テーブル席、カウンターを含めましてお席は25席程ございます。 ベンチシートもございますので、ゆったりとお座りいただけます。お子様用の椅子もございますので、お気軽にお申し付けください。

    テーブル席、カウンターを含めましてお席は2...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - イタリア産生ハムの盛合せ★これでも小サイズなんです♪

    イタリア産生ハムの盛合せ★これでも小サイズ...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 入口はスロープですので、ベビーカーや、車椅子のお客様もご安心してご来店いただけます。 

    入口はスロープですので、ベビーカーや、車椅...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 店内は、イタリアの田舎のお店をイメージし、お客様からは雰囲気がいいですねとお褒めいただいております。

    店内は、イタリアの田舎のお店をイメージし、...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - ピッツァの一番人気はやっぱり【ピッツァマルゲリータ】!!テイクアウトでもどうぞご賞味ください♪

    ピッツァの一番人気はやっぱり【ピッツァマル...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - イタリアのキノコの王様【ポルチーニ茸】秋のフレッシュポルチーニは期間限定なので、黒板メニューにあるときはぜひご賞味ください♪

    イタリアのキノコの王様【ポルチーニ茸】秋の...(by Restaurant)

  • Osteria dell'UVA - 嬉野産の佐賀牛テール肉の煮込み。黒板メニューなのでいつもあるわけではないですが、やわらかく煮込んだ佐賀牛です(^~^)

    嬉野産の佐賀牛テール肉の煮込み。黒板メニュ...(by Restaurant)

User photos

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Osteria dell'UVA(Osteria dell'UVA)
Categories Italian, Pizza, Pasta
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)


Reservation availability

Reservations available

As a measure to prevent the spread of infection, the number of seats has been significantly reduced, so reservations will be given priority.
Advance reservations are recommended.
Please note that we may not be able to answer the phone while cooking or serving customers.
The kitchen car Pizzeria Uva will also start operating in 2022!
Please note that the store will not be open for business while we are running a food car stall.




・4 minutes walk from JR Kyushu Bus, Yutoku Bus "Koukaidomae" stop
・About 3 minutes by car from the Nagasaki Expressway "Ureshino IC"
* Along Miyuki Street, diagonally in front of the Ureshino Industrial Culture Center, next to the Ureshino branch office, next to two 7-Elevens

1,240 meters from Ureshino Onsen.

Opening hours
  • Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

    • 11:30 - 14:00

      L.O. 13:00

    • 18:00 - 22:00

      L.O. 21:00

  • Wed

    • Closed
  • ■ 営業時間
    ■ 定休日
Average price

JPY 10,000 - JPY 14,999

JPY 2,000 - JPY 2,999

Average price(Based on reviews)
Payment methods

Credit card accepted

(VISA, Master)

Electronic money accepted


QR code payments accepted

(PayPay, Rakuten Pay)

Service charge & fee

During dinner time, each person is required to order one drink.

Original text


This section has been automatically translated using Wovn.io. Please check with the restaurant for accurate information.


Number of seats

20 Seats

( Can be reserved exclusively Please contact us)

Private rooms


As a measure to prevent infection, we have installed partitions between customers' seats.

Private use



Non smoking



5 cars in Parking Lot 2, 6 cars in Parking Lot 2


Counter seating,Sofa seating



Sake (Nihonshu),Shochu (Japanese spirits),Wine,Cocktails available

Feature - Related information


Family friendly |Friends

This occasion is recommended by many people.



Family friendly

Children welcome(Babies welcome,Preschoolers welcome,School-age children welcome),Strollers welcome



The opening day



The chef studied at Italian restaurants in Italy and Tokyo.
An Italian restaurant that uses local Ureshino and Italian ingredients

We also have diaper changing stations in the restrooms for small children. Please feel free to visit us with children. The entrance is a slope, so it is accessible for strollers and wheelchairs. For older customers, we can also provide softer pasta, so please let us know your preference.

We offer lunch and course meals for lunch, and in the evening, you can choose from a la carte (a la carte) or course meals, depending on your preference.

takeaway, we only offer pizza at lunch and dinner. Please note that this service will end once the dough runs out.

Restaurant highlights

If you want to enjoy home-style Italian cuisine, come to Osteria Uva.

The text on this page has been automatically translated using Wovn.io. Please note that there may be inaccuracies in the translation.