Selected for Tabelog ラーメン WEST "Hyakumeiten" 2024
Pictures were taken when users had dinner there at that time so the information it contains may not be the latest. Please confirm before you use this information.
1 - 60 of 358
(by くいしんぼうなともさん)
(by くいしんぼうなともさん)
(by 腹ペコ犬ミルクの珍道中)
(by 腹ペコ犬ミルクの珍道中)
(by 腹ペコ犬ミルクの珍道中)
(by 東条みのり)
(by †きんのじ†)
(by S.Y Nのグルメ日記)
(by S.Y Nのグルメ日記)
(by hinata_suukki)
2024.7入口(by どすこいクリゲン)
2024.7看板(by どすこいクリゲン)
2024.7外観(by どすこいクリゲン)
2024.7駐車場外観(by どすこいクリゲン)
(by kanak934634)
(by I.Shige)
(by I.Shige)
(by I.Shige)
(by I.Shige)
(by mods35_2)
(by mods35_2)
店構え(by たけちゃんぱぱ1965)
開店前(by 仕上げ)
(by 卍kzhr卍)
(by 卍kzhr卍)
店舗外観(by tamtam0306)
待合室の様子(by tamtam0306)
最寄りのJR河瀬駅(by tamtam0306)
(by addict.)
すぐ近くには、食べログ滋賀県No. 1のラ...(by なにわのくろっくす)
ごちそうさまでした☆(by なにわのくろっくす)
すぐ近くに滋賀県NO.1人気を誇るラーメン...(by yuyuyu0147)
近くにセブンイレブンがあります。帰りはあま...(by yuyuyu0147)
(by シナ)
(by 純情★一番)
(by Kokou)
(by 誉太郎)
(by addict.)
(by addict.)
(by addict.)
(by サーファーローザ)
(by 孤独のグルリーマン)
(by かつやん♪)
(by かつやん♪)
(by tk-2)
外観(by 亜喜丸)
記名台帳は赤丸の所にあります(by 亜喜丸)
(by coccinellaさん)
(by す〜さん!)
(by す〜さん!)
(by す〜さん!)
(by す〜さん!)
(by す〜さん!)
(by バムちゃん)
店前の暖簾(by chaos777)
店前は自転車、バイクのみの駐車(by chaos777)
前と変わった感じはありません(by chaos777)
(by 麺食いのりりん)
外観(by 酔いどれペンギン)
(by yossy1)
Restaurant name |
Menya Koyoken
Awards & Recognitions |
Selected for Tabelog ラーメン WEST "Hyakumeiten" 2024
Selected for Tabelog ラーメン WEST "Hyakumeiten" 2024
Selected for Tabelog Ramen WEST "Hyakumeiten" 2023
Selected for Tabelog Ramen WEST "Hyakumeiten" 2023 受賞・選出歴 閉じる
百名店 選出歴
ラーメン 百名店 2024 選出店
食べログ ラーメン WEST 百名店 2024 選出店
ラーメン 百名店 2023 選出店
食べログ ラーメン WEST 百名店 2023 選出店 |
Categories | Ramen, Tsukemen |
0749-28-3828 |
Reservation availability |
Reservations unavailable |
Address |
滋賀県彦根市蓮台寺町50-36 |
Transportation |
1,646 meters from Kawase. |
Opening hours |
Hours and closed days may change, so please check with the restaurant before visiting. |
Average price |
- JPY 999 - JPY 999 |
Average price(Based on reviews) |
JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999
Payment methods |
Credit card accepted (AMEX) Electronic money not accepted QR code payments accepted (PayPay) |
Number of seats |
15 Seats ( 7 seats at the counter, 2 tables with 4 seats each) |
Private rooms |
Unavailable |
Private use |
Unavailable |
Non-smoking/smoking |
Non smoking |
Parking |
Available 14 spaces on the east side, across the two vacant lots to the east of restaurant |
Space/facilities |
Counter seating |
Occasion |
Family friendly |Solo dining friendly This occasion is recommended by many people. |
Location |
Hideout |
Service |
Take-out |
Family friendly |
Children welcome |
The opening day |
2018.10.15 |