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Urushi Curry - Chikuzen Maebaru(Curry)

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry - カシミールカレー 800円 この日は苦味がつよかった・・

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry - 希望すればヨーグルトを頂けます(嬉) まろやかになり美味しく&食べやすくなりました。

  • Urushi Curry - +100円のセットがお得です!  ここからがセット⇒

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry -

  • Urushi Curry -


  • Sugartime
    Review 225resultsFollowers 371people


    糸島のうるしカレーさんに。知る人ぞ知るカレーの名店です。筑前前原駅近く、国道202号沿いですが、小さなお店なので、車で通っていても気がつかないかもです。でも、おしゃれで素敵な外観な...View details

    Urushi Curry - チキンカシミールカレー 全ライスとハーフパンです。

    2024/06 visited

    1 time

  • ともき 0531
    Review 10resultsFollowers 2people

    1番人気のチキンカシミールカレー¥850にサラダ¥100とバニラアイス¥50、ラッシー¥100をセットで注文しました!(計¥1100) まず、お店に入った瞬間にカレーの良い香りが...View details

    Urushi Curry - 外観

    2024/01 visited

    1 time

  • す〜さん!
    Review 1,997resultsFollowers 1,788people


    初訪問です。糸島市の『うるしカレー』さん。 2023/11/24金曜日。 連休二日目の晩は、一旦ホテルへチェックインした後に糸島市へドライブ。 気になっていた『うるしカレ...View details

    Urushi Curry -

    2023/11 visited

    1 time

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Urushi Curry
Categories Curry, Asian Cuisine, Ethnic Cuisine, Bar
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)


Reservation availability

Reservations available

Reservations for the lunch session are only available for arrivals at 11:30.
Reservations for the evening session are available from 18:30 to 20:00 on weekdays, and only 18:30 on weekends and holidays.
*If the restaurant is too busy during the day and there is little curry left, we may not be able to accept reservations for the evening meal. (This happens occasionally.)




Nearest station: JR Chikuhi Line, Chikuzen-Maebaru Station (North Exit), about 4 minutes walk.
Nearest IC: Maebara IC. *If you are coming by car, we do not have a dedicated parking space, so please use nearby paid parking lots. We apologize for the inconvenience to some customers who come from far away, but we appreciate your cooperation.

277 meters from Chikuzen Maebaru.

Opening hours
  • Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

    • 11:30 - 14:00

      L.O. 13:45

    • 18:30 - 21:00

      L.O. 20:45

  • Tue, Wed

    • Closed
  • ■ 営業時間

Average price

JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999

- JPY 999

Average price(Based on reviews)
JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999

View spending breakdown

Payment methods

Credit cards not accepted

Electronic money not accepted

Service charge & fee

No service charge or cover charge. *We will charge a cover charge for seats for those who do not order food. As we do not have enough seats, we will take orders for the number of people who will be seated. Thank you for your understanding.

Original text


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Number of seats

15 Seats

( Because it is a small restaurant, we limit groups to a maximum of 6 people. If you come in a large group, you will be bothering other customers.)

Private rooms


Private use



Non smoking

There is a public road just outside restaurant, and it is not within our premises, so please refrain from smoking in front of the store.



We apologize for the inconvenience, but please use the nearby paid parking (there is a Times car park diagonally across the street, and a Fukuoka Bank parking lot about four doors down).


Counter seating



Sake (Nihonshu),Shochu (Japanese spirits),Wine,Cocktails available

Feature - Related information


Solo dining friendly |Friends

This occasion is recommended by many people.


A house restaurant



Family friendly

It's not that you can't bring children into the restaurant, but we don't have menus or chairs for children, so it might not be the best place to enjoy a meal together without worry... I think. If you prioritize whether a restaurant is comfortable for children over adults, or whether the food tastes children like, then this restaurant isn't the place for you... *By children here, I mean infants and toddlers. I think it's fine for children from the upper grades of elementary school onwards.

Dress code

The interior of the store is very small, so please refrain from wearing strong perfumes as much as possible. There are some customers who cannot enjoy the smell of curry and spices. Thank you for your understanding.



The opening day



We are closed every Tuesday and Wednesday.

Restaurant highlights

It's a small curry restaurant in Itoshima.

Business schedules and other information are posted on our website: http://www.urushicurry.jimdo.com/

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